Home » links for 2007-07-12links for 2007-07-1212/07/2007bookmark Ristorante Il Verdi Milano Ristorante Il Verdi Milano (MI) Piazza Carlo Mirabello, 5 Tel. 02 6590797 (tags: milano italy restaurant business lunch food) HP Compaq 2510p Business Notebook Piccole e Medie Imprese (tags: notebook hp computer laptop wireless) HP Compaq nc2400 Business Notebook Piccole e Medie Imprese (tags: hp notebook computer laptop) Film in America – Filming Locations for TV and Movies in the United States (tags: film usa movies travel location) The Birds Bodega Bay com’era e com’e’, senza traccia del film. (tags: movie film usa california bodegabay travel birds location alfredhitchcock) precedenteTwitter Updates for 2007-07-11successivoTwitter Updates for 2007-07-12