Bar, shop, art: denim and wine, all together
Local fashion designer
Miauw is an evolving concept-hotel and media-project presented through two beautiful buildings in Amsterdam and Antwerp.
Miauw-Suites provide great places to sleep and work in the most inspiring part of the city, available per night or per week.
Click here to make reservations.Miauw-Shops contain concept stores and cafe on the ground-floor which change their products bimonthly ranging from fashion, furniture to art.
Miauw-Projects produces and initiates artistic and commercial projects and assignments, both inside and outside the buildings.
La migrazione del pubblico sul Web e la recessione lasciano poco tempo ai giornalisti per risolvere l’impasse economico. Il risultato dei cambiamenti avvenuti nel 2008 è un’industria di proporzioni ridotte, con minor tempo e risorse a disposizione per sostenere finanziariamente tale transizione. E mentre appare esagerata l’idea secondo cui il giornalismo tradizionale sarebbe sull’orlo dell’estinzione, i cittadini sono divenuti una parte sempre più importante dell’informazione quotidiana, come produttori oltre che consumatori.
The State of the News Media 2009 is the sixth edition of our annual report on the health and status of American journalism.
Our goals are to take stock of the revolution occurring in how Americans get information and provide a resource for citizens, journalists and researchers to make their own assessments. To do so we gather in one place as much data as possible about all the major sectors of journalism, identify trends, mark key indicators, note areas for further inquiry.