Home » I miei bookmark del 27/11I miei bookmark del 27/1127/11/200827/11/2008mylife Federica Mogherini (tags: women democrats democraticparty blogger politic italy blog) TREND HOUSE – Acquista online il miglior design europeo per la tua casa. Grande scelta di Normann Copenhagen, Stelton, Marimekko, VIPP, Magis Design, Rosendahl, MENU (tags: shopping design house italy ecommerce shop) Mumbai online: the attacks reported live | Journalism.co.uk Editors' Blog A look at where the news has unfolded. Please post additional links below. Journalism.co.uk will add in more links as they are spotted. (tags: link reportage reporter india mumbai terrorism ugc citizenjournalism web2.0 journalism) precedenteTrucchi per claustrofobicisuccessivoI miei bookmark del 28/11